
Cpf1: CRISPR-enzyme scissors cutting both RNA and DNA

Only a few years after its discovery, it is difficult to conceive of genetics without the CRISPR-Cas9 enzyme scissors, which allow for a very simple, versatile and reliable modification of DNA of various organisms. Since ...

Virus therapy to attack superbugs

VIRUSES specifically designed to battle superbugs are being trialled in a South Australian hospital.

Antimatter unveils the secrets of liquid crystals

Liquid crystals combine such contradictory features as the chaos of liquid molecules, and the ordering characteristics of crystals. Thanks to an innovative application of antimatter, it has been demonstrated at the Institute ...

VA study of service dogs for vets with PTSD faces questions

Army veteran Joe Aguirre opens a restaurant door, then steps aside to let his golden retriever take point. "Clear," Aguirre commands, and 3-year-old Munger pivots right, left, then right again, sweeping the room for potential ...

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