
Physicists reveal material for high-speed quantum internet

Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have rediscovered a material that could be the basis for ultra-high-speed quantum internet. Their paper published in npj Quantum Information shows how to increase ...

City-dwelling blackbirds have poorer measures of health

Blackbirds live longer in cities than in forests. But their telomeres, repetitive stretches of DNA at the ends of the chromosomes, show that these city birds have a much poorer health status than their rural cousins. These ...

Filling lithium-ion cells faster

Developers from Bosch and scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) are using neutrons to analyze the filling of lithium ion batteries for hybrid cars with electrolytes. Their experiments show that electrodes ...

Natural aphid predators reduce pesticide use

The greater the diversity of crops grown in agricultural landscapes is, the better natural predators of aphids are able to control the pests on wheat fields. This is because a varied landscape provides better living conditions ...

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