
'Feline grimace scale' published

When your cat folds back its ears, closes its eyes, puts its whiskers forward or tucks its head between the shoulders, it's most likely a sign that it's feeling pain. But how much pain?

Asteroid impact enriches certain elements in seawater

Asteroid strikes upset the environment and provide clues via the elements they leave behind. Now, University of Tsukuba researchers have linked elements that are enriched in the Cretaceous–Paleogene (KPg) boundary clays ...

Seafloor images reveal the secret lives of sponges

You might think that deep-sea sponges would be about as active as the one sitting in your kitchen sink. But when it comes to motion at the bottom of the ocean, there is more than meets the eye. Time-lapse photography taken ...

Can capitalism and the planet truly coexist?

As the Productivity Commission confirmed this week, Australia's economy has enjoyed uninterrupted growth for 28 years straight. Specifically, our output of goods and services last financial year grew by 2%. Economists obviously ...

Carbon pricing may be overrated, if history is any indication

A common demand in discussions about climate change is to respect the science. This is appropriate. We should all be paying close attention to the urgent and terrifying conclusions being published by climate scientists.

More plastic is on the way: What it means for climate change

With the recent fracking boom causing low gas prices, fossil fuel companies are seeking other ways to bolster their profits—by making more plastic. Just as the world is starting to address its enormous plastic pollution ...

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