
Greener spring, warmer air

Advanced leaf-out, or early sprouting and opening of leaves, is a direct response to climate change. In the northern hemisphere, leaf-out has advanced at a rate of 4-5 days per decade on average since 1980s, according to ...

Antibiotics in animals: More research urgently needed

A special issue of Animal Health Research Reviews turns the spotlight on the science underlying this growing crisis—looking at the evidence base for using antibiotics to prevent illness in beef and dairy cattle, swine, ...

Frozen bird turns out to be 46,000-year-old horned lark

Scientists have recovered DNA from a well-preserved horned lark found in Siberian permafrost. The results can contribute to explaining the evolution of sub species, as well as how the mammoth steppe transformed into tundra, ...

Global database for Karst spring discharges

When carbonate rocks weather, karst landscapes are formed. The groundwater reserves in these layers of earth currently supply 10 to 20 percent of the world population with drinking water. So far, however, researchers have ...

Shaping the rings of molecules

Macrocycles are molecules made of large rings of atoms. Despite being relatively big and flexible, the molecules don't always stay "floppy"—they can actually lock themselves into specific shapes and geometries.

A plan to save Earth's oceans

At least 26 per cent of our oceans need urgent conservation attention to preserve Earth's marine biodiversity, a University of Queensland-led international study has found.

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