
Open data help scientists to unravel Earth systems

Understanding nature and its processes has greatly benefited from open data. Open remotely sensed data make hard-to-reach wilderness areas more accessible—at least from above. These advances provide new opportunities for ...

Are bots a danger for political election campaigns?

Normally, autonomous computer programmes known as bots trawl the internet, for example, to help search engines. However, there are also programmes known as social bots which interfere in social media, automatically generating ...

Germany's Bosch snaps up US commuter app

The world's largest car parts supplier Bosch leapt into ride-sharing services Wednesday, announcing the takeover of US commuter carpooling startup Splitting Fares.

Volkswagen workers secure big pay bump

Workers at the world's largest carmaker Volkswagen said Wednesday they had secured a big pay bump, in line with the rest of Germany's powerful metalworking sector.

Splitting crystals for 2-D metallic conductivity

Sheets of electrons that are highly mobile in only two dimensions, known as 2-D electron gas, have unique properties that can be leveraged for faster and novel electronic devices. Researchers have been exploring 2-D electron ...

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