
Structures in seaweed shed light on sustainability

Brown algae are not just seaweed that float in the ocean and tangle swimmers' feet—they also contains a secret. In its cell wall, brown algae hold the polysaccharide alginate, one of the most abundant carbohydrates in the ...

Falcons see prey at speed of Formula 1 car

Extremely acute vision and the ability to rapidly process different visual impressions—these two factors are crucial when a peregrine falcon bears down on its prey at a speed that easily matches that of a Formula 1 racing ...

Nightside barrier gently brakes 'bursty' plasma bubbles

The solar wind that pummels the Earth's dayside magnetosphere causes turbulence, like air over a wing. Physicists at Rice University have developed new methods to characterize how that influences space weather on the nightside.

Kenya backs farming of Monsanto-created GM crop

Kenya has approved the cultivation a GM variety strand created by Monsanto, the president's office said, the first time such crops have been allowed in the dynamic East African economy.

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