
LLNL-developed Petawatt Laser Installed at ELI Beamlines

The L3-HAPLS advanced petawatt laser system was installed last week at the ELI Beamlines Research Center in Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic. L3-HAPLS – the world's most advanced and highest average power, diode-pumped ...

Breakthrough in debate on recent increase in atmospheric methane

The amount of the greenhouse gas methane in the atmosphere is once again increasing rapidly after a period of stagnation through 2007. The cause of this recent increase is the subject of heated scientific debate. Scenarios ...

Habitable planets around pulsars theoretically possible

It is theoretically possible that habitable planets exist around pulsars. Such planets must have an enormous atmosphere that convert the deadly X-rays and high energy particles of the pulsar into heat. This is the conclusion ...

Halloween asteroid prepares to return in 2018

There is one year to go until asteroid 2015 TB145 approaches Earth once again, just as it did in 2015 around the night of Halloween, during which astronomers studied its characteristics. This dark object measures between ...

More complex biological systems evolve more freely

Our genes (aka. the genotype) determine our characteristics (aka. the phenotype). Evolution acts on changes in the phenotype, which occur when mutations change the underlying genotype. But what changes to the phenotype can ...

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