
Study: Parents key to how we handle stress

A German study examining adolescent to young adult coping styles finds those with coherent parental relationships deal more effectively with stress.

Bollywood set to embrace digital cinema

While studios and theater owners in Hollywood fight over who pays for the expensive computer-based projection systems for digital screening of movies, digital cinema distribution is the new technological revolution that is ...

Physics: Hunting the Penguin During BaBar's Long Run

BaBarians are hot on the trail of penguins. The BaBar collaboration is hunting for signs of new physics - perhaps supersymmetry, or perhaps the Higgs particle - in 'penguin modes', rare channels of decay from B mesons to ...

Understanding Earthquakes

Rensselaer campus regulars may not be aware of it, but earthquakes frequently surge through the basement of the Jonsson Engineering Center, the seemingly placid engineering building overlooking the school’s football field. ...

How nanotubes enter cells

Scientists worldwide are teasing apart the precise mechanisms behind how tubes of carbon only nanometers or billionths of a meter wide enter cells, findings that researchers could employ to help these nanotubes deliver medicines ...

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