
Historic climate change on Mars might be detectable

Historical instances of extreme climate change on Mars could be detected through the measurement of subsurface temperatures, according to a new University of Stirling study.

Estimating the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining

As an alternative to government-issued money, the cryptocurrency Bitcoin offers relative anonymity, no sales tax and freedom from bank and government interference. But some people argue that these benefits have an enormous ...

Making tiny antennas for wearable electronics

When it comes to electronics, bigger usually isn't better. This is especially true for a new generation of wearable communication systems that promise to connect people, machines and other objects in a wireless "internet ...

4-D imaging with liquid crystal microlenses

Most images captured by a camera lens are flat and two dimensional. Increasingly, 3-D imaging technologies are providing the crucial context of depth for scientific and medical applications. 4-D imaging, which adds information ...

NASA applying AI technologies to problems in space science

Could the same computer algorithms that teach autonomous cars to drive safely help identify nearby asteroids or discover life in the universe? NASA scientists are trying to figure that out by partnering with pioneers in artificial ...

NASA soil data joins the Air Force

Getting stuck on a muddy road is a hassle for anyone, but for the U.S. Army it could be far more serious—a matter of life and death in some parts of the world. That's one of the reasons the U.S. Air Force HQ 557th Weather ...

Water watchdog: Using the Internet of Things for water security

A cluster of internet-enabled devices, including a water-flow sensor, pH sensor, ultrasonic sensor and "PIC" microcontroller, can be used together as a watchdog system for water quality, thanks to work by a team in India ...

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