
New NASA insights into the secret lives of plants

From rainforests to croplands, boreal forests to mangroves, NASA will take a new look at terrestrial vegetation across our living planet over the next two years with several unique instruments in space. The missions will ...

Image: Hubble's cosmic search for a missing arm

This new picture of the week, taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows the dwarf galaxy NGC 4625, located about 30 million light-years away in the constellation of Canes Venatici (The Hunting Dogs). The image, ...

How our forests are adapting to climate change

How do trees adjust to the effects of global warming? EPFL researchers have studied how beech and spruce trees – two of the most common plant species in Europe – react to changing temperatures. And they discovered that ...

Video: The environmental impact of online shopping

With the busy holiday shopping season in full swing, have you ever thought about the carbon footprint of where and how you shop? The latest episode of the "Climate Lab" video series—produced jointly by the University of ...

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