
Image: Integral space observatory's orbits visualized

ESA's Integral space observatory has been orbiting Earth for 15 years, observing the ever-changing, powerful and violent cosmos in gamma rays, X-rays and visible light. Studying stars exploding as supernovas, monster black ...

Glass microparticles enhance solar cells efficiency

Scientists from ITMO University have suggested a new solar cell coating that combines features of an electrode and those of a light-trapping structure. The coating enabled researchers to cut down on reflected light and avoid ...

Research reveals a new survival strategy in key bacteria

New research shows that a bacteria and promising microbial cell factory will not immediately shut down when deprived of nitrogen – instead 'waiting' until absolutely necessary to stop functioning.

Momentum braking in deep space

With a miniaturised space probe capable of accelerating to a quarter of the speed of light, we could reach Alpha Centauri, the nearest star, in 20 to 50 years. However, without a mechanism to slow it down, the space probe ...

A sub-desert savannah spread across Madrid 14 million years ago

The Central Iberian Peninsula was characterised by an arid savanna during the middle Miocene, according to a study led by the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) comparing mammal populations from different localities in ...

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