
Researchers crack the ice to study the Arctic marine food web

Scientists traveled to a town near the top of the world to study a creature at the bottom of the marine food chain—microscopic sea ice algae. Welcome to Barrow, Alaska, where a team of marine ecologists gears up to hit ...

Rosetta continues into its full science phase

With the Philae lander's mission complete, Rosetta will now continue its own extraordinary exploration, orbiting Comet 67P/Churymov–Gerasimenko during the coming year as the enigmatic body arcs ever closer to our Sun.

Some in NSA warned of a backlash

Current and former intelligence officials say dissenters within the National Security Agency warned in 2009 that secretly collecting American phone records wasn't providing enough intelligence to justify the backlash it would ...

Rights groups release anti-surveillance software

A coalition of human rights and technology groups including Amnesty International on Thursday launched new software to allow journalists and activists to check if their computers are being spied on.

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