
Finding the lightest superdeformed triaxial atomic nucleus

The nuclei of atoms of heavy elements are not necessarily spherical; they may be variously extended or flattened along one, two or even three axes. An international team of physicists, led by scientists from the Institute ...

New innovation in modeling and designing power grids

You can teach an old dog new tricks—this seems to be true for the research group led by Mengchu Zhou, a distinguished professor of electrical and computer engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. In a recent ...

Green hydrogen production using algal proteins

We are increasingly thinking about hydrogen as a successor of crude oil—for instance, through the use of hydrogen fuel cells. But where will the hydrogen come from? Industrial or domestic bioreactors using green algae could ...

Chinese researchers develop algorithms for smart energy grid

A fallen tree, a lightning strike—it doesn't take much to disrupt the electrical grid. An outage could last just a few minutes, but restoring electricity to millions of people typically takes hours, days or even weeks. ...

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