
Argonne launches new tool to help auto industry reduce costs

The Center for Transportation Research (CTR) at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory unveiled today a new "plug and play" modeling tool that complements the automotive industry's interest in reducing ...

Wealthfront lets regular folks invest like the rich

Startup Wealthfront has revamped its online service to give middle- and lower-income people in the United States investment tools typically reserved for the rich to make profit on their money.

'Reaper' protein strikes at mitochondria to kill cells

Our cells live ever on the verge of suicide, requiring the close attention of a team of molecules to prevent the cells from pulling the trigger. This self-destructive tendency can be a very good thing, as when dangerous precancerous ...

Hidden communities revealed by new DNA sequencing

(PhysOrg.com) -- Half a bucket full of sand from an unassuming beach in Scotland has revealed a far richer and more complex web of microscopic animals living within the tiny ‘ecosystem’ than have previously been ...

Understanding how cell semaphorins and plexins interact

Axons are the communication channels of the body. Up to a metre in length, they connect parts of the body to the brain, carrying signals from muscles, organs and tissues. As the central nervous system develops these axons ...

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