
Making math relevant to the climate strikes

One of the key demands of the UK's school climate-strike movement is that more attention is paid to climate change in the curriculum. To help address this, researchers at Oxford's Environmental Change Institute and Department ...

Image: Clarence Strait, Australia

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Clarence Strait, a narrow body of water in Australia's Northern Territory.

New app to assess agricultural soil and improve its quality

The Environmental Soil Science group (GEA-UMH) of the Miguel Hernández University in Elche (Spain) has created an application to assess and improve the quality of agricultural soil. This tool is the result of a global project ...

HD microscopy in milliseconds

They can make tiny cell structures visible: cutting-edge light microscopes offer resolutions of a few tenths of a nanometer—in other words, a millionth of a millimeter. Until now, super-resolution microscopes were much ...

An origin story for the queer community

I came out to a Christian counselor during a therapy session in 2001 when I was 14. He convinced me to engage in conversion therapy, a pseudoscientific practice to change an individual's sexual orientation based in the assumption ...

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