
Growing organic rice for market niche not simple

A market niche for organic rice has a potential to yield premium prices for farmers, but it's more involved than simply planting the seed and forgetting it until harvest time.

Researchers discover how wildfires create their own weather

Scientists working close to the line of wildfires are obtaining a new understanding of the fires' smoke plumes. The results are providing real-time information, such as vertical wind profiles, to firefighters battling blazes.

Chiggers, fleas more noticeable in summer

As people become more active in summer, so do a few familiar pests that keep Texans itching – and scratching for relief, said Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service entomologists.

Could the secret of a long life be found in cheese?

Suspected life-extending properties of homemade cheese and yoghurt from the Carpathian Mountains will be analysed at Abertay University in a bid to discover their biological secrets.

From battery waste to electrochemical sensor

Multiplex detection of antioxidants / food additives / preservatives in food samples is possible using our newly developed graphite-based nanocomposite electrochemical sensor from used alkaline battery. The chemical sensor ...

Feedback-seeking CEOs boost firm performance

For chief executive officers who want to boost their company's bottom line, it pays to be humble. In fact, something as simple as seeking feedback from those who work closely with the CEO has important payoffs.

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