
Electropermanent magnet actuation for droplet ferromicrofluidics

A team of researchers from Stanford University, Stanford, California have demonstrated magnetic actuation of microfluidic water droplets using miniature EPMs and oil-based ferrofluids. Water droplets, immersed in a continuous ...

Strike a pose—bringing crop analysis into the 21st century

Scientists from The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) and the John Innes Centre (JIC) have received a grant from Norwich Research Park Translational fund for CropQuant, a computerised infield crop monitoring workstation for precision ...

Chemistry experiment aboard historic suborbital space flight

An experiment led by LSU Chemistry Professor John Pojman was aboard the historic flight by Blue Origin today. LSU was one of three universities, including Purdue University and Braunschweig University of Technology in Germany, ...

10,000 windows onto biomolecular information processing

A Franco-Japanese research group at the University of Tokyo has developed a new "brute force" technique to test thousands of biochemical reactions at once and quickly home in on the range of conditions where they work best. ...

Ultra-thin solar cells can bend around a pencil

Scientists in South Korea have made ultra-thin photovoltaics flexible enough to wrap around the average pencil. The bendy solar cells could power wearable electronics like fitness trackers and smart glasses. The researchers ...

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