
How early mammals evolved night vision to avoid predators

Early mammals evolved in a burst during the Jurassic period, adapting a nocturnal lifestyle when dinosaurs were the dominant daytime predator. How these early mammals evolved night vision to find food and survive has been ...

Breathing space for the Gulf Stream

The salinity of the waters around Greenland plays an important role in driving the Gulf Stream. There are concerns that a freshening by the increasing ice losses from the Greenland ice sheet could weaken the current system. ...

Heat sickens corals in global bleaching event

Death is only one possible outcome from coral bleaching caused by rising sea temperatures due to global warming. Australian scientists report that many surviving corals affected by mass bleaching from high sea temperatures ...

Titan shines light on high-temperature superconductor pathway

When physicists Georg Bednorz and K. Alex Muller discovered the first high-temperature superconductors in 1986, it didn't take much imagination to envision the potential technological benefits of harnessing such materials.

Shedding light on an assistant protein

Observing in-protein motions with high spatial and temporal resolution: This is made possible by a new technology developed by scientists from the University of Würzburg, giving new insight into the functional mechanisms ...

New technique improves accuracy of computer vision technologies

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new technique that improves the ability of computer vision technologies to better identify and separate objects in an image, a process called segmentation.

Urban bird species risk dying prematurely due to stress

Birds of the species Parus Major (great tit) living in an urban environment are at greater risk of dying young than great tits living outside cities. Research results from Lund University in Sweden show that urban great tits ...

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