
Image: Thor's Helmet nebula in the X-ray spectrum

This brightly coloured scene shows a giant cloud of glowing gas and dust known as NGC 2359. This is also dubbed the Thor's Helmet nebula, due to the arching arms of gas stemming from the central bulge and curving towards ...

Big butts aren't everything to male baboons

While the female baboon's big red bottom may be an eyesore to some, it has an aphrodisiac effect on her mates. Biologists have long thought that baboon males prefer females with bigger backsides as the mark of a good mother, ...

Big surprises underground for plant scientists

The kwongan eco-region in WA's south-west has revealed some amazing plant kingdom secrets to University of Montreal and University of Western Australia scientists. 

Sugar structure: Not as sweet as it seems

Scientists at the University of York have identified problems with nearly half of the structural data on carbohydrate molecules available to the scientific community.

Researchers succeed in light-controlled molecule switching

Scientists at the University of Konstanz and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) are working on storing and processing information on the level of single molecules to create the smallest possible components that ...

Vascular cells can fuse with themselves

Cells of the vascular system of vertebrates can fuse with themselves. This process, which occurs when a blood vessel is no longer necessary and pruned, has now been described on the cellular level by Prof. Markus Affolter ...

Developing a robotic therapist for children

In collaboration with other national institutions, researchers at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) are designing a new therapeutic tool for motor rehabilitation for children. In this project, an interactive social ...

Automating logistics for the factory of the future

Mass production and packaging in factories is already highly automated these days, but the same cannot be said for logistics. Movements of raw materials and finished products still depend heavily on manual labour. However, ...

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