
Greenland is melting: The past might tell what the future holds

A team of scientists lead by Danish geologist Nicolaj Krog Larsen have managed to quantify how the Greenland Ice Sheet reacted to a warm period 8,000-5,000 years ago. Back then temperatures were 2-4 degrees C warmer than ...

Eye tracking is the next frontier of human-computer interaction

Eye tracking devices sound a lot more like expensive pieces of scientific research equipment than joysticks – yet if the latest announcements about the latest Assassin's Creed game are anything to go by, eye tracking will ...

Rights groups call for action over reported US-UK phone hack

Rights organizations on Friday called for urgent steps to be taken to protect private calls and online communications after allegations that U.S. and British agencies hacked into the networks of a major SIM card maker.

What's important to know about planet Mercury?

Close by the Sun is Mercury, a practically atmosphere-like world that has a lot of craters. Until NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft arrived there in 2008, we knew very little about the planet—only part of it had been imaged! ...

High-voltage resonant controller with PFC for LED drivers

With the ICL5101, Infineon Technologies AG extends its portfolio of lighting control ICs, addressing lighting systems in the range of 40W to 300W. The new high-voltage resonant controller IC provides a high level of integration ...

The controversy over interstellar messaging

Should we beam messages into deep space, announcing our presence to any extraterrestrial civilizations that might be out there? Or, should we just listen? Since the beginnings of the modern Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ...

A recipe for returning Pluto to full planethood

A storm is brewing, a battle of words and a war of the worlds. The Earth is not at risk. It is mostly a civil dispute, but it has the potential to influence the path of careers. In 2014, a Harvard led debate was undertaken ...

Teens from single-parent families leave school earlier

A new study from researchers at New York University, the University of California, Irvine, and the University of Chicago finds that that by the age of 24, individuals who live in single-parent families as teens received fewer ...

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