
Future-proofing ice measurements from space

With diminishing ice one of the biggest casualties of our warming world, it's imperative that accurate measurements continue to be made for scientific research and climate policy, as well as for practical applications such ...

Carnivorous plants have turned to capturing mammal droppings

In a paper published today in the Annals of Botany, botanist Dr. Alastair Robinson, Manager Biodiversity Services at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, and colleagues in Western Australia, Queensland, Malaysia, and Germany have ...

It isn't the picky eaters that drive soil microbial metabolism

Interactions among microorganisms in soil lead to the release of nutrients derived from complex organic matter in that soil. This community metabolism creates food for both microbes and plants. However, scientists don't fully ...

New pathogen likely culprit for mass crab deaths: UK study

What caused the mass death of crustaceans off the coast of northeast England in late 2021? A new finding on Friday brought relief to the government, which is developing a flagship new "freeport" in the region.

California takes a first step toward worker data rights

Imagine you're applying for a job via video, and without telling you the company uses software that analyzes your eye contact, facial expressions, and tone of voice to predict whether you're a good match for the job. Or imagine ...

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