
Just one degree can change a species

It is not exactly a surprise that climate affects life on Earth. At least major changes in climate make a difference. We know that not all species thrive everywhere on the planet.

The Floquet engineering of quantum materials

Quantum materials are materials with unique electronic, magnetic or optical properties, which are underpinned by the behavior of electrons at a quantum mechanical level. Studies have showed that interactions between these ...

Nanoscopic tool assesses alternative COVID-19 prevention

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Nano Letters how high-speed atomic force microscopy can be used to assess the effectivity of spike-neutralizing antibodies for preventing COVID-19. The use of such antibodies offers ...

Droughts can make water unaffordable for low-income households

Access to safe, affordable water is a necessity for human health and well-being. But when droughts strike areas that are already water-stressed, water providers are forced to enact measures to curtail water usage or invest ...

Using origami DNA to trap large viruses

A team of researchers from the Technical University of Munich and the University of Regensburg, both in Germany, has found that it is possible to build origami DNA structures that can be used to trap large viruses. In their ...

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