
Bushfires and storms threaten water supply and much more

Most of the drinking water for our cities and towns comes from densely forested catchments in nearby mountains. These catchments act like large, and very cost effective water treatment plants, slowly filtering rainfall through ...

LHCb explores the beauty of lepton universality

The LHCb collaboration has reported an intriguing new result in its quest to test a key principle of the Standard Model called lepton universality. Although not statistically significant, the finding—a possible difference ...

'Mechanical breathing' in smart windows

Smart windows automatically change transparency when a voltage is applied. However, one reason they aren't more widespread is that the polymer inside dramatically expands and shrinks with every charge. Purdue University researchers ...

How cluster hiring at U.S. research universities has fared

Cluster hiring is both very popular—and very costly—on university campuses across the U.S. But according to Steven Brint, a sociologist at the University of California, Riverside, far too little research has been done ...

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