
Gold nanoantennas used to create more powerful nanoelectronics

Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University and their colleagues from Germany have conducted an experiment demonstrating the behavior of areas of two-dimensional materials. The study has applications in the creation of flexible ...

Heat-dissipating shoes with graphene soles

The ability of graphene to add functionality to common objects has been exploited in footwear with better thermal properties. Developed by Graphene Flagship partners Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy, in collaboration ...

Wave properties of particles can manifest in collisions

Dmitry Karlovets, senior researcher at the TSU Faculty of Physics, and Valery Serbo from the Institute of Mathematics of the SB RAS have shown that it is possible to observe the wave properties of massive particles at room ...

Maker of $1,000 'smart' teapot gives up

Three years and $12 million were simply not enough time and money to teach the world about the benefits of owning a $1,000 teapot.

Philippine Everest conqueror sets sail for China

After conquering Mount Everest, Philippine adventurer Carina Dayondon is set to sail to China aboard a wooden replica of an ancient boat in the hopes of boosting national pride in a forgotten maritime prowess.

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