
QLEDs meet wearable devices

The scientific team, from the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Seoul National University, has developed an ultra-thin wearable quantum dot light emitting diodes (QLEDs).

Schools failing to address biased student discipline

School districts are failing to address the discipline gap between students of color and white students—in some cases even blocking researchers from gathering data on the troubling trend, a Michigan State University scholar ...

Privacy notices online probably don't match your expectations

Consumers often complain that online companies violate their privacy—but the problem may be with the consumers themselves. According to a new study in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, there can be a big discrepancy ...

Greenhouse gas-caused warming felt in just months

The heat generated by burning a fossil fuel is surpassed within a few months by the warming caused by the release of its carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, according to new work from Carnegie's Xiaochun Zhang and Ken Caldeira ...

Pocket change: When does corporate gratitude backfire

Not too long ago, Microsoft mailed loyal Xbox customers an e-card encoded with twenty-five cents' worth of Microsoft points. The software behemoth might have thought it was showing appreciation. But recipients of the company's ...

How Microprocessor precisely initiates miRNA production

A scientific group from the Center for RNA Research within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and School of Biological Sciences in Seoul National University has reported an insightful molecular mechanism of how Microprocessor, ...

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