
NASA's Curiosity eyes prominent mineral veins on Mars

Two-tone mineral veins at a site NASA's Curiosity rover has reached by climbing a layered Martian mountain offer clues about multiple episodes of fluid movement. These episodes occurred later than the wet environmental conditions ...

Protein determines life or death fate of stressed cells

Researchers discovered a new protein involved in the process that determines the fate of cells under stress and whether they fight to survive or sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Using DNA to assemble a protein lattice

(Phys.org)—Living systems have ready-made catalysts, known as enzymes, for many types of reactions. What if these enzymes could be snapped together like Lego pieces to make a lattice structure? An ideal procedure for accomplishing ...

Plant found to prefer pollination during the full moon

(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers with Stockholm University has discovered a species of Ephedra—a plant that is dependent on the full moon for pollination. In their paper published in The Royal Society Biology Letters, ...

Researchers survey microbes that influence plant health

When driving past a sunlit field of grapes, we miss the frenzy of activity that is invisible to the human eye. Vines and roots teem with bacteria, and viruses and fungi all impact how those grapes will grow.

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