
An old-looking galaxy in a young universe

A team of astronomers, led by Darach Watson, from the University of Copenhagen used the Very Large Telescope's X-shooter instrument along with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to observe one of the ...

Genetically speaking, mammals are more like their fathers

You might resemble or act more like your mother, but a novel research study from UNC School of Medicine researchers reveals that mammals are genetically more like their dads. Specifically, the research shows that although ...

Munching bugs thwart eager trees, reducing the carbon sink

In a high carbon dioxide world, the trees would come out ahead. Except for the munching bugs. A new study published today in Nature Plants shows that hungry, plant-eating insects may limit the ability of forests to take up ...

Core work: Iron vapor gives clues to formation of Earth and Moon

Recreating the violent conditions of Earth's formation, scientists are learning more about how iron vaporizes and how this iron rain affected the formation of the Earth and Moon. The study is published March 2 in Nature Geoscience.

Important step towards quantum computing: Metals at atomic scale

German scientists from RWTH Aachen, Research Center Jülich, TU Dresden and of the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden report that the current flow on the surface of a topological insulator is ...

Twitter working with probe on online threats

Twitter said Monday it was working with law enforcement officials on unspecified threats, amid reports that the social network had been targeted for blocking accounts linked to the Islamic State.

Conservation organizations need to keep up with nature

Nature is on the move. As the impacts of climate change reveal themselves, species and ecosystems are moving in response. This poses a fundamental challenge to conservation organizations—how do you conserve something that ...

Smart crystallization

A novel nucleating agent that builds on the concept of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) could allow crystallographers access to proteins and other biological macromolecules that are usually reluctant to form crystals. ...

Google to offer own cellular network plan

Google will soon be offering cellular network plans in a bid to bridge the gap between the realms of Internet services and mobile device software it dominates.

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