
A new, escape-proof fish cage for a lice-free salmon farm

In October this year, the first salmon were farmed in a new fish production prototype in Trøndelag, Norway. With a rigid steel construction and a water current generator, the new Aquatraz fish cage both prevents fish escape ...

Imaging nerve-cell interactions

A new imaging technique developed by LMU researchers is garnering lots of attention. Based on a method for making tissues, organs and even whole organisms transparent, it promises to transform studies of the nervous system ...

Microbe hunt beneath Antarctic ice sheet

Renowned Montana State University polar scientist John Priscu and a team of researchers from more than a dozen universities will begin the new year hunting for microbes and other living specimens in a lake far beneath the ...

Ultrathin digital camera inspired by Xenos peckii eyes

The visual system of Xenos peckii, an endoparasite of paper wasps, demonstrates distinct benefits for high sensitivity and high resolution, differing from the compound eyes of most insects. Inspired by their unique features, ...

Asian mussel confirmed on British beaches

An Asian mussel named after a British naval officer has found its way to Britain and is making itself at home on southern beaches, according to new research.

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