
Loss of forest intactness increases extinction risk in birds

Fragmentation within intact forests has a higher impact on vertebrate biodiversity than equivalent losses in already degraded landscapes, but the relationship between forest 'intactness' and extinction risk has not been quantified.

Powder could help cut CO2 emissions

Scientists at the University of Waterloo have created a powder that can capture CO2 from factories and power plants.

How does your garden grow in space?

Astronauts in low-earth orbit could use a fresh salad to brighten up all those freeze-dried meals. But the microgravity space environment can affect plant growth in ways we're only beginning to understand. In research presented ...

When 'alien' insects attack Antarctica

Of the known alien (non-native) species found in Antarctica, a non-biting species of midge currently presents one of the highest risks to terrestrial ecosystems, researchers have found.

Nightlights for stream dwellers? No, thanks

Artificial light at night isn't just a health problem for those of us sitting in bed scrolling through Instagram instead of hitting the sackā€”it hurts entire outdoor ecosystems.

Disordered crystals are promising for future battery technology

Tiny, disordered particles of magnesium chromium oxide may hold the key to new magnesium battery energy storage technology, which could possess increased capacity compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries, find UCL and ...

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