
Student moves from theory to proof in fuel cell research

Sadia Kabir is exploring a new world in the basement of Farris Engineering Building. The Ph.D. engineering student works in the research group headed by University of New Mexico Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biologicall ...

Significant advance in stabilizing perovskite solar cells

UCLA professor Yang Yang, member of the California NanoSystems Institute, is a world-renowned innovator of solar cell technology whose team in recent years has developed next-generation solar cells constructed of perovskite, ...

Indonesia fires can't be put out, Malaysian minister warns

International efforts to douse raging Indonesia fires will fail and Southeast Asia could face several more weeks of choking smoke until the rainy season starts, Malaysia's environment minister warned on Monday.

Rocky start for UN climate talks in Bonn

As UN diplomats convened in Bonn Monday, developing nations were balking at the latest draft of a global climate agreement to be inked in Paris in December, negotiators and experts said.

Vast Antarctic marine reserves in focus at Australia talks

Campaigners Monday urged global leaders to put aside differences and create two vast Antarctic marine sanctuaries to protect one of the world's last untouched wildernesses and a unique array of species including whales and ...

Cybersecurity firm: Chinese hacking on US companies persists

Chinese hacking attempts on American corporate intellectual property have occurred with regularity over the past three weeks, suggesting that China almost immediately began violating its newly minted cyberagreement with the ...

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