
Image: Hubble sees elegant spiral hiding a hungry monster

NGC 4639 is a beautiful example of a type of galaxy known as a barred spiral. It lies over 70 million light-years away in the constellation of Virgo and is one of about 1,500 galaxies that make up the Virgo Cluster.

NASA's MMS spacecraft achieve tightest flying formation ever

On Oct. 15, 2015, a NASA mission broke its own record: the four satellites of its Magnetospheric Multiscale mission are now flying at their smallest separation, the tightest multi-spacecraft formation ever flown in orbit. ...

New research on damsel bug bites

Eduardo Faundez, an NDSU doctoral student majoring in entomology, recently had a paper published in the prestigious Journal of Medical Entomology. The paper, titled "A Case of Biting Humans by Nabis americoferus (Heteroptera: ...

Volunteer divers asked to upload manta ray snaps for science

A University of Queensland scientist is calling for volunteer divers to photograph the underside of manta rays in waters off the Western Australian coastline and upload them to Facebook as part of a research project.

Refining persuasion experiments, from vaccines to voting

One of the largest experiments ever conducted on people was carried out during the 2012 presidential campaign. Barack Obama's canvassing teams tested different persuasion scripts on millions of potential voters and donors. ...

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