
Study tallies huge hidden health costs from climate change

Climate change is taking a huge toll on Americans' health, so much so that it could constitute a public health crisis, a new study by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the University of California, San Francisco ...

How rising temperatures affect our health

Global warming is accelerating, driven by the continuing rise in greenhouse gas emissions. Australia's climate has warmed by just over 1°C since 1910, with global temperatures on course for a 3-5°C rise this century.

Synthetic fuels could shrink carbon footprint

Synthetic fuels, made using carbon captured from the air, farm waste or biomass, could help the transport sector reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and meet "net-zero" greenhouse gas emission goals.

Research team discovers new microbe in wheat stem sawfly

A team of researchers in Montana State University's College of Agriculture has discovered a previously unidentified microbe that lives symbiotically with the wheat stem sawfly, a pest that causes hundreds of millions of dollars ...

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