
Plan to capture Minnesota elk, establish new herd gains momentum

An idea first floated a dozen years ago to capture wild elk and move them to an area in northeastern Minnesota is two years away from reality—a progression firmed up by the recent hirings of two full-time elk specialists.

Mantle upwelling may have triggered Morocco earthquake

On 8 September 2023, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Morocco, causing damage and destruction that claimed thousands of lives in rural communities in the High Atlas Mountains.

Genome study informs restoration of American chestnut tree

Native trees adapt to the climate and environmental conditions of their area to survive. Researchers in the College of Natural Resources and Environment in collaboration with the American Chestnut Foundation confirmed this ...

MicroRNA study sets stage for crop improvements

MicroRNAs can make plants more capable of withstanding drought, salinity, pathogens and more. However, in a study published in Nature Plants, Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists show just how much we didn't know about ...

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