
Open sesame: Micro RNAs regulate plant pores

Environmental cues prompt small RNA segments to regulate the development and distribution of tiny pores involved in photosynthesis in plants. The finding by DGIST researchers in Korea was published in the Proceedings of the ...

Artificial solid fog material creates pleasant laser light

With a porosity of 99.99 %, it consists practically only of air, making it one of the lightest materials in the world: Aerobornitride is the name of the material developed by an international research team led by Kiel University. ...

How strong a role does religion play in US elections?

On March 17, Joe Biden took firm control of the Democratic nomination process, winning primaries Florida, Illinois and Arizona by significant margins. The ongoing coronavirus epidemic is in part responsible, having reshaped ...

Visualizing differences in RNA biology between single cells

A longstanding quest in medicine has been to understand how the same disease presents differently among various patients. Although it has been thought that a central aspect of these differences is a heterogeneity between ...

Environmental policy often has undesirable side effects

"Good intentions" do not generally produce "good results." This wisdom also applies to establishing coherent environmental policies. Without proper oversight and planning, environmental policies can lead to unintended and ...

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