
Microbiologists can now measure extremely slow life

Microbiologists at Aarhus University (Denmark) have developed a new method for measuring the very slow metabolism of bacteria deep down in the seabed. The results can provide knowledge about the global carbon cycle and its ...

The origin of the moon's craters

(PhysOrg.com) -- Moon's craters, together with samples of the surface returned during the Apollo program, tell the story of impacts from two different populations of small bodies. The first rocky collection was gradually ...

To combat identity theft, protect computer

Having a triple-threat combination of protective software on your computer greatly reduces your chances of identity theft, according to a study led by a Michigan State University criminologist.

Another metric on energy efficiency

It's hardly a surprise that making energy efficiency improvements to buildings saves money and can benefit the environment in terms of reduced fossil fuel burning and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Microsoft dropped from Indian obscenity case

An Indian court on Monday threw out proceedings against Internet giant Microsoft, which had been named in a lawsuit against more than 20 companies alleged to have hosted offensive content.

Space Image: Man and machine

(PhysOrg.com) -- While Robonaut 2 has been busy testing its technology in microgravity aboard the International Space Station, NASA and General Motors have been working together on the ground to find new ways those technologies ...

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