
Solar Orbiter prepares for festive Venus flyby

Solar Orbiter is getting ready for the first of many gravity assist flybys of Venus on 27 December, to start bringing it closer to the sun and tilting its orbit in order to observe our star from different perspectives.

Juno spacecraft updates quarter-century Jupiter mystery

Twenty-five years ago, NASA sent history's first probe into the atmosphere of the solar system's largest planet. But the information returned by the Galileo probe during its descent into Jupiter caused head-scratching: The ...

Developing smarter, faster machine intelligence with light

Researchers at the George Washington University, together with researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the deep-tech venture startup Optelligence LLC, have developed an optical convolutional neural network ...

AI-powered microscope could check cancer margins in minutes

When surgeons remove cancer, one of the first questions is, "Did they get it all?" Researchers from Rice University and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have created a new microscope that can quickly and ...

Compressive fluctuations heat ions in space plasma

New simulations carried out in part on the ATERUI II supercomputer in Japan have found that the reason ions exist at higher temperatures than electrons in space plasma is because they are better able to absorb energy from ...

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