
Robots put to work on e-waste

UNSW researchers have programmed industrial robots to tackle the vast array of e-waste thrown out by Australians every year.

NASA image: Saturn's upper cloud layers

(Phys.org) —What the viewer might perceive to be Saturn's surface is really just the tops of its uppermost cloud layers. Everything we see is the result of fluid dynamics. Astronomers study Saturn's cloud dynamics in part ...

Simulation predicts epidermal responses to compounds

Skin is the body's largest organ. It is a protective barrier, keeping microbes out and moisture in. It also regulates temperature, enables sensation, and makes vitamin D. But researchers don't fully understand at the molecular ...

Foragers find bounty of edibles in urban food deserts

With the gusto of wine enthusiasts in a tasting room, UC Berkeley professors Philip Stark and Tom Carlson eye, sniff and sample their selections, pronouncing them "robust," "lovely," "voluptuous"—and even "just beyond words." ...

Armyworms develop resistance to Bt corn

In fall 2013, Dominic Reisig got a phone call from a farmer in rural Hyde County, N.C. The farmer was growing corn, and it was literally falling apart in the field. What was going on?

OSIRIS spots Philae drifting across the comet

These incredible images show the breathtaking journey of Rosetta's Philae lander as it approached and then rebounded from its first touchdown on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko on 12 November 2014.

Ethnic diversity reduces risk of market bubbles

If they consider it at all, investors likely regard ethnic diversity as a matter of social policy. But new research by an MIT Sloan professor suggests a much more practical reason to consider diversity: compared to markets ...

Electrochemical cell converts waste heat into electricity

Picture a device that can produce electricity using nothing but the ambient heat around it. Thanks to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science today, this scenario is a step closer – a team ...

Muons help understand mechanism behind hydrogen storage

It is ever more necessary to find alternative ways to store energy. Energy storage is required when energy is supplied intermittently, as for instance for wind power, or for mobile applications like cars. Hydrogen is a promising ...

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