
Some brand names are music to our ears, research shows

If you're having a bad day, you may want to stay away from listening to commercials for Lululemon or Coca Cola. Or from any retailer or merchandise whose name bears a similarly repetitive phonetic sound.

Pore 'vision' improved

A team led by Naoko Imamoto of the RIKEN Advanced Science Institute in Wako, Japan, has uncovered processes governing the formation of functionally important structures called nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) in dividing human ...

Solving single molecule mobility

Nanotechnologists assemble intricate nanodevices, such as computer chips, molecule by molecule using ‘bottom-up’ techniques that mirror nature. One approach shuttles molecules along surfaces into new and functional ...

Robots use their hands to 'think'

Action-centred cognition is a groundbreaking concept in robotics where robots learn to 'think' in terms of what actions they can perform on an object. This new trend in cognition theory opens exciting new vistas.

Barriers of teaching revealed by teens

British teenagers of South Asian origin have revealed some of the reasons why they are put off entering the teaching profession, new research has revealed.

Worst weed the culprit of herbicide resistance

Scientists at the University of Adelaide's Waite Research Institute have discovered new cases of herbicide resistance in annual ryegrass, the most serious and costly weed of Australian cropping.

Flexible LEDs for implanting under the skin

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers in the US, China, Korea and Singapore have collaborated to develop flexible ultra-thin sheets of inorganic light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodetectors for implantation under the skin for medical ...

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