
Disabling antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Dreaded bacterial-related diseases have killed untold numbers of humans over the centuries. Today, two million illnesses and nearly 23,000 deaths can be attributed to antibiotic-resistant bacteria throughout the United States, ...

Pilot study reports on the career paths of doctorate holders

ESF has just published a report on a pilot study of the career paths of post-doctorates and doctorate alumni from five research funding and research performing organisations: AXA Research Fund, France, Fonds National de la ...

What we can learn from primate personality

Every human is different. Some are outgoing, while others are reserved and shy. Some are focused and diligent, while others are haphazard and unfussed. Some people are curious, others avoid novelty and enjoy their rut.

Comet C/2013 US10 Catalina

Live in (or planning on visiting) the southern hemisphere soon? A first time visitor to the inner solar system is ready to put on the first of a two part act starting this month, as Comet C/2013 US10 Catalina breaks +10th ...

Uncooperative snottygobble coughs up germination secrets

The phrase might be associated with a bad cold but a mystery surrounding WA's strangely named snottygobble tree (Persoonia longifolia R.Br.) is about to be cleared up, with a study into the plant's germination triggers entering ...

How bats fly to find their prey

New research, complete with night-vision video recordings, helps elucidate how bats actually fly to find their prey.

Five amazing extinct creatures that aren't dinosaurs

The release of Jurassic World has reignited our love for palaeontology. Many of us share a longing to understand the dinosaurs that roamed the Earth long before we arrived. But palaeontology is a discipline much broader than ...

Automated ion analyzer for space missions

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is scheduled to launch its Eu:CROPIS research satellite into orbit in early 2017. Its purpose is to test a biological life-support system for future human space missions. The satellite's ...

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