
First test of solar power satellite hardware in orbit

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory engineers launched PRAM, the Photovoltaic Radio-frequency Antenna Module, aboard an Air Force X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle on May 17 as part of a comprehensive investigation into prospective terrestrial ...

Global study confirms influential theory behind loss aversion

A new global study offers a powerful confirmation of one of the most influential frameworks in all of the behavioral sciences and behavioral economics: prospect theory, which when introduced in 1979, led to a sea change in ...

A new tool to map the flow of info within living cells

How do cells move? Why do they move? Why do some cancer cells move slowly while others move quickly, causing a cancerous tumor to metastasize and become much more difficult to treat effectively? The answers are not as simple ...

Mother roundworms have ultra-protective instincts

Talk about motherly instincts! Biologists at the University of Iowa have learned that female roundworms can alert their future offspring of dangers they will encounter when born, and the mothers pass on these warnings even ...

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