
Christmas Island reptile-killer identified

Native reptile populations on Christmas Island have been in severe decline with two species, Lister's gecko and the blue-tailed skink, entirely disappearing from the wild. While previously the main driver for this decline ...

Mystery of the nanobubbles solved

Water containing suspended nanobubbles is utilized in many biological and medical applications. For example, nanobubbles increase the efficiency of drug and gene delivery. Water containing oxygen nanobubbles is used in wastewater ...

The hidden machinery of a photosynthetic giant revealed

Photosynthesis is the fundament of almost all live on earth, and yet it is not understood down to the last detail. An international research team has now unraveled one of its secrets. The researchers from Ruhr-Universität ...

An invisible keyhole via transparent electronics

Hard times for burglars and safecrackers: Empa researchers have developed an invisible "keyhole" made of printed, transparent electronics. Only authorized persons know where to enter the access code.

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