
Finding ways to fix the climate before it is too late

Scientists and policymakers rely on complex computer simulations called Integrated Assessment Models to figure out how to address climate change. But these models need tinkering to make them more accurate.

Male baboons found to engage in feticide

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers from several institutions in the U.S., some with ties to the Institute of Primate Research, National Museums of Kenya, has found that male baboons in the wild at times engage in feticide. ...

Researchers tackle barnacles from a different perspective

Barnacles are a serious problem for the U.S. Navy. A billion-dollar problem. Encrustations of hard foulers—like barnacles and other sea life—are estimated to cost the Navy $56 million per year in maintenance costs and ...

From offense to defense in ecology and politics

As online social networks grow, it gets easier to turn our own social circles into echo chambers of the like-minded or heated debates across ideological divides, as we please. In a working group happening now, SFI researchers ...

Shot hole borers threatening Ventura County avocado orchards

There's a new pest in town and it's threatening one of the area's top crops: avocados. First discovered in Los Angeles County in 2003, six-legged Asian shot hole borers have been found by UC Santa Barbara researchers in their ...

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