
Corals survived Caribbean climate change

Half of all coral species in the Caribbean went extinct between 1 and 2 million years ago, probably due to drastic environmental changes. Which ones survived? Scientists working at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute ...

Environmental cooperation in 1970s helped ease Cold War tensions

Scientific cooperation to address concerns about the environment helped to foster détente between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1970s, NYU's Rachel Rothschild concludes in a newly published paper. Her research, ...

Support for democracy linked to income inequality

Voter satisfaction with democracy may have less to do with who actually wins an election and more to do with income inequality, or the gap between rich and poor, indicates a new study by Michigan State University political ...

Dormancy relief, storage protocols for uhaloa seeds

Uhaloa (Waltheria indica) is a pantropical shrub species found in the Americas, Mexico, and Brazil. In Hawaii, uhaloa is widely classified as a native plant. A team of scientists at the University of Hawaii at Manoa published ...

Optical clock technology tested in space for first time

For the first time, an optical clock has traveled to space, surviving harsh rocket launch conditions and successfully operating under the microgravity that would be experienced on a satellite. This demonstration brings optical ...

Michigan may require lead screening of all young children

Michigan, where a man-made water crisis is roiling one of its biggest cities, will consider requiring all infants and toddlers to be tested for lead poisoning as part of an initiative to eradicate children's exposure to the ...

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