
US, China launch clean energy research initiative

US Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Wednesday the United States and China had launched a joint clean energy initiative -- one of the largest research collaborations between two countries in the world.

Brent geese show parents know best

Research from a six year study on migrating geese has discovered an interesting outcome – they return to the same spots they were taken to as youngsters.

Length of pregnancy influenced by placenta structure

The nine-month pregnancy in humans is influenced by the structure of the placenta, according to new research into the evolution of reproduction in mammals which ends a 100-year mystery.

EPA tells states to consider rising ocean acidity

(AP) -- States with coastal water that is becoming more acidic because of carbon dioxide should list them as impaired under the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Agency said.

October video game retail sales slide 4 percent

(AP) -- U.S. retail sales of video game hardware, software and accessories slipped 4 percent in October as demand for most gaming consoles declined from a year earlier, according to data from market researcher NPD Group.

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