
Researchers study exciton dynamics at unprecedented resolution

Future optical communication that's vastly more reliable and faster than what's commonly available today will require new technology. Modern communication is based on charge transfer, which can result in large transmission ...

How to measure the reputation of bureaucracies

The behavior of administrative agencies largely depends on the bureaucratic reputation that units and departments enjoy with different audiences. However, the current scholarship has not yet produced a coherent measure of ...

Climate Questions: What's going on with climate change?

Addressing climate change—a now ubiquitous term for the warming of the planet caused by humans emitting carbon dioxide and methane from coal, oil and natural gas into the atmosphere—is becoming exponentially more pressing, ...

Chemists uncover cracks in the armor of cellulose nanocrystals

Chemists in Japan, Canada and Europe have uncovered flaws in the surface structure of cellulose nanocrystals—an important step toward deconstructing cellulose to produce renewable nano-materials relevant to biochemical ...

Climate Questions: How much has the climate changed already?

Relentless drought in China, East Africa, the U.S. West and northern Mexico, devastating floods in Pakistan and Kentucky, scorching heat waves in Europe and the Pacific Northwest, destructive cyclones in southern Africa and ...

Hungry elephants, Cameroon farmers struggle to coexist

Banana growers on the edge of a giant national park on Cameroon's Atlantic coast say they can take no more crop destruction from hungry elephants as the conflict between man and animal escalates.

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