
Studying longer-term effects on elephants from poaching

Poaching has longer-term effects on elephant populations than originally thought, according to a pair of studies published recently by researchers at Colorado State University and Save the Elephants. This new research shows ...

Excavation of a Hispano-Visigothic grave at Ojo Guareña

This summer, a tomb embedded in the rock by the main entrance to the San Tirso and San Bernabé Hermitage situated in the karst complex of Ojo Guareña (Merindad de Sotoscueva, Burgos) was excavated; its structure of slabs ...

Rare artefacts discovered on the Murray River

New research by archaeologists has described rare shell artifacts discovered at Calperum Station and Murrawong (Glen Lossie) on the Murray River in South Australia.

Measuring 'social cohesion' and why its recent dip matters

COVID-19 has upended so many aspects of our lives in Australia, it can be hard to remember what life was like before the pandemic. It's also hard to remember what we feared would happen when the pandemic first struck.

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