
Genomics provides evidence of glacial refugia in Scandinavia

Evolutionary research on a grass-like, flowering perennial called the northern single-spike sedge has offered some of the first proof of ice-free locations, or glacial refugia, in Northern Europe during Earth's most recent ...

Disrupting key protein alters biological rhythms in water flea

Researchers from North Carolina State University have shown that the E75 protein is a key regulator of some biological rhythms through interactions with nitric oxide. Suppression of E75 results in longer molt cycles and reduced ...

Green growth that works

Economic development plans often overlook a crucial detail—ecosystems that provide essential services to people. Increasingly, though, leaders in academia, finance, sustainable development and the private sector agree that ...

Scientists shave estimate of neutrino's mass in half

An international team of scientists, including researchers at MIT, has come closer to pinning down the mass of the elusive neutrino. These ghost-like particles permeate the universe and yet are thought to be nearly massless, ...

From primordial black holes new clues to dark matter

Primordial black holes (PBHs) are objects that formed just fractions of a second after the Big Bang, considered by many researchers among the principal candidates in explaining the nature of dark matter, above all following ...

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