
Capturing high pressures in diamond capsules

Preservation of the high-pressure states of materials at ambient conditions is a long-sought-after goal for fundamental research and practical applications.

Social and communication skills co-evolve, study finds

Living together in groups entails constant interactions between individuals. Individuals need to permanently assess the behavior of others and to respond flexibly to it. Primates and other animals regulate and coordinate ...

How young chickens play can indicate how they feel

It is common for young animals, in particular mammals, to play. Researchers at Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden have for the first time mapped the development of play in young chickens. The results, published in Scientific ...

Live-seq: Sequencing a cell without killing it

RNA sequencing allows scientists to study the expression of genes in a cell. Since messenger RNA (mRNA) is generated from a DNA gene, that information can be used to identify the original gene sequence and thus measure the ...

Sleeping giant could end deep ocean life

A previously overlooked factor—the position of continents—helps fill Earth's oceans with life-supporting oxygen. Continental movement could ultimately have the opposite effect, killing most deep ocean creatures.

Risk of volcano catastrophe 'a roll of the dice,' say experts

The world is "woefully underprepared" for a massive volcanic eruption and the likely repercussions on global supply chains, climate and food, according to experts from the University of Cambridge's Center for the Study of ...

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