
Wash your hands for 20 seconds: Physics shows why

Though hand-washing is proven effective in combating the spread of disease and infection, the physics behind it has rarely been studied. But in Physics of Fluids, researchers from Hammond Consulting Limited describe a simple ...

Do backer affiliations help or hurt crowdfunding success?

Researchers from University of Connecticut, Indiana University, and National University of Singapore published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines how affiliations among backers affect the success of ...

Majority of climate change news coverage now accurate: study

Good news: Major print media in five countries have been representing climate change very factually, hitting a 90 percent accuracy rate in the last 15 years, according to an international study out today with University of ...

Archaeologists find skeleton, evidence of Greek in Pompeii

Archaeologists in the ancient city of Pompeii have discovered a remarkably well-preserved skeleton during excavations of a tomb that also shed light on the cultural life of the city before it was destroyed by a volcanic eruption ...

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