
AI may be able to predict droughts a year in advance

Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from Sber have proposed deep learning models that predict droughts using climate data. Long-term forecasts of this kind are sought by agricultural producers planning their operations, ...

Uber Eats eats into Uber ridesharing

When Uber expanded into food delivery, the move was expected to bring additional revenue to the ridesharing company. It certainly did.

Leafy greens grown by night prove cheaper and just as good

Utility companies offer flexible electricity rates depending on the time of day to reduce demand at peak hours. That way, consumers can save some money, say, by using the dishwasher or tumble dryer at night. And the utilities ...

Strengthening journalism careers in an age of mistrust

A new study by researchers from the University of Adelaide and several U.S. universities has found solutions journalism could play a part in re-engaging disenchanted media students, strengthening their reporting skills, and ...

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